
As seen in the Configuration section, you first need to create a CacheManager instance.

Accessing Multiple Cache Stores

Using the CacheManager instance, you can access the configured cache stores via the store method. The key passed to the store method should correspond to one of the stores listed in the stores configuration dictionary:

value ='redis').get('foo')'memcached').put('foo', 'bar', 10)


If you do not specify a store the default store will be used.

value = cache.get('foo')

Retrieving Items From The Cache

The get method is used to retrieve items from the cache. If the item does not exist in the cache, None will be returned. If you wish, you can pass a second argument to the get method specifying the custom default value you wish to be returned if the item doesn’t exist:

value = cache.get('foo')

value = cache.get('foo', 'default')

You may even pass a function as the default value. The result of the function will be returned if the specified item does not exist in the cache. Passing a function allows you to defer the retrieval of default values from a database or other external service:

value = cache.get('foo', lambda: db.table('users').get())

Checking For Item Existence

The has method may be used to determine if an item exists in the cache:

if cache.has('foo'):
    # ...

Incrementing / Decrementing Values

The increment and decrement methods can be used to adjust the value of integer items in the cache. Both of these methods optionally accept a second argument indicating the amount by which to increment or decrement the item’s value:


cache.increment('key', 3)


cache.decrement('key', 3)

Retrieve or Update

Sometimes you may wish to retrieve an item from the cache, but also store a default value if the requested item doesn’t exist. For example, you may wish to retrieve all users from the cache or, if they don’t exist, retrieve them from the database and add them to the cache. You may do this using the remember method:

value = cache.remember('users', 10, lambda: db.table('users').get())

If the item does not exist in the cache, the function passed to the remember method will be executed and its result will be placed in the cache.

You may also combine the remember and forever methods:

value = cache.remember_forever('users', 10, lambda: db.table('users').get())


Using the remember method might not be the most practical in some cases, that’s why you can use the CacheManager instance like a decorator.

See Using Decorators.

Retrieve and Delete

If you need to retrieve an item from the cache and then delete it, you can use the pull method. Like the get method, None will be returned if the item does not exist in the cache:

value = cache.pull('key')

Storing Items In The Cache

You can use the put method to store items in the cache. When you place an item in the cache, you will need to specify the number of minutes for which the value should be cached:

cache.put('key', 'value', 10)

Instead of passing the number of minutes until the item expires, you can also pass a datetime instance representing the expiration time of the cached item:

expires_at = + timedelta(minutes=10)

cache.put('key', 'value', expires_at)

The add method will only add the item to the cache if it does not already exist in the cache store. The method will return True if the item is actually added to the cache. Otherwise, the method will return False:

cache.add('key', 'value', 10)

The forever method can be used to store an item in the cache permanently. These values must be manually removed from the cache using the forget method:

cache.forever('key', 'value')

Removing Items From The Cache

You can remove items from the cache using the forget:


Using Decorators

Instead of using the remember method, which might not be suitable for functions with complex logic, you can use the CacheManager instance as a decorator:

def get_users():
    return db.table('users').get()

This will store the result of the function for the default time of 60 minutes. The key will automatically be generated based on the function name, its arguments and keyword arguments.

You can also specify a key and the number of minutes the result will be stored in the cache:

@cache(key='key', minutes=30)
def get_users():
    return db.table('users').get()


The key keyword will only serve as a prefix for the automatically generated key. The final cache key will still depend on the arguments and keyword arguments.

You can also specify a store when using the cache manager as a decorator:

@cache('redis', key='key', minutes=30)
def get_users():
    return db.table('users').get()